Adoria's integrated ecosystem

Sales data feedback from Trivec enables Adoria to analyze discrepancies between theoretical and actual consumption to precisely identify shrinkage. The Technical Sheets that generate the most losses are detected, enabling the restaurateur to take action to reduce waste. Food costs are under control.

The Trivec x Adoria integration enables restaurateurs to benefit from very broad functional coverage.
With Trivec, they manage order taking and kitchen preparation follow-up, payment, reservations, but also back office functionalities such as schedule management or restaurant accounting.

Trivec sends card and sales data to Adoria.
Sales and stock situation (inventories, orders, losses) provide actual consumption data.

Trivec in a few words

Trivec is a supplier of cash register and beverage management systems to the European hospitality market. Its solutions optimize payment and simplify operations management in restaurants, bars and hotels.

Trivec's product range includes restaurant cash registers, mobile cash registers, kitchen displays and electronic dispensers. Our restaurant cash registers can be integrated and include flexible options such as online reservations functions, restaurant accounting, restaurant planning management, restaurant stock management and restaurant software.

The company services over 8,000 customers locally from offices in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium and France.